Locally Grown with Jim Fini
In my book, Locally Grown: The Art of Sustainable Government, I talk about how our country's bottom up design of 20,000 zip codes, 50 states and 1 Federal government, brilliantly distributes power within that bottom-up infrastructure. Our Founders intended most governance to be done locally. And about the inherent dangers of too much centralized power. My book exposes the unsustainability of our government debt and the awful bargain we make when we exchange freedom for security. I introduce readers to Locally Grown principles like sustainability, accountability, the double-bottom line, harnessing excess capacity, simplification, and engaged citizenship. I make the case that returning to our federalist roots through Locally Grown principles is the path to sustainable, effective government that better serves the “Common Good.”
Locally Grown with Jim Fini
Episode 39 - on Race in America with Cecil Grant
Today my guest is Cecil Grant, the host of the new “Changing the Narrative” podcast which you can find on Apple, Pandora and other places. His podcast focuses on issues seen through the lens of a middle-aged African American man who deeply cares about his country and is alarmed by what he sees. He has the moral authority to really challenge bad government policies that hurt the people they are supposed to help. For example, his July podcast entitled, “Gun Violence versus Gang Violence: The Problem in Chicago”, he takes Mayor Laurie Lightfoot to task, for failing to call out the root cause of gun violence in Chicago which are gangs. His August 20th Episode, “Remove that Racist Rock!”, takes a fun approach to highlighting how many of our political leaders are enraptured with the false notion that America is an irredeemably racist garden made for whites-only that must be pulled-up root and stem in favor of… well we’re not sure yet.
United We Stand. Divided We Fall. Each One for the Other, and All for All.