Locally Grown with Jim Fini
In my book, Locally Grown: The Art of Sustainable Government, I talk about how our country's bottom up design of 20,000 zip codes, 50 states and 1 Federal government, brilliantly distributes power within that bottom-up infrastructure. Our Founders intended most governance to be done locally. And about the inherent dangers of too much centralized power. My book exposes the unsustainability of our government debt and the awful bargain we make when we exchange freedom for security. I introduce readers to Locally Grown principles like sustainability, accountability, the double-bottom line, harnessing excess capacity, simplification, and engaged citizenship. I make the case that returning to our federalist roots through Locally Grown principles is the path to sustainable, effective government that better serves the “Common Good.”
Locally Grown with Jim Fini
Episode 34 - Systemic Racism isn’t the Problem. It’s Bad Public Policy.
Anti-discrimination laws have historically targeted a company’s intent but in 2015, a Supreme Court ruling allowed certain types of outcomes to be considered discrimination even if there was no explicit intent to discriminate. This is called disparate impact and we think this is really bad policy. It has the opposite affect of what our government intends. My guest Werner Kruck talks about how this dynamic actually raises costs and limits choices in the financial services industry for poor and minority folks. There are better ways to address inequities in our country. Join us in this fascinating “root cause” analysis.
United We Stand. Divided We Fall. Each One for the Other, and All for All.