Locally Grown with Jim Fini

Episode 29 - What's Next?

Jim Fini Season 1 Episode 29

Joseph McCarthy was a Republican Senator from Wisconsin from 1947 until his death in 1957. Beginning in 1950, he became the public face of anti-Communism in the midst of the Cold War by using his position as the chairman of the Senate Committee on Government Operations to identify communists, Soviet spies and sympathizers that had infiltrated the United States federal government, universities, film industry, and elsewhere. Ultimately, the smear tactics that he used led him to be censured by the U.S. Senate. Today, the term "McCarthyism", is used broadly to mean demagogic, reckless, and unsubstantiated accusations, as well as public attacks on the character and patriotism of political opponents.

Unfortunately, it seems we are at the beginning of another era of persecution of political opponents, except this time it is a different group of ruling class elites practicing McCarthyism.

United We Stand. Divided We Fall. Each One for the Other, and All for All.